Overcome Self-Sabotage,
Master Your Emotions & Unlock Your Superpowers
10-Week Workshop
to integrate your shadow and cultivate more of your true potential.
  • A multi-disciplinary & unique framework for shadow work
  • 10 weeks of live classes, guided exercises, and coaching
  • ​Daily personal and group support & weekly challenges 
"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate."
- Carl Jung

The Missing Piece In All Of Personal Development

The Missing Piece In All Of Personal Development

For a very long time, I was frustrated that I kept falling into the same self-defeating patterns of behavior over and over again. I was unconsciously sabotaging my own success, experiencing random bouts of intense negative emotions, harshly judging anyone doing better than me, and just feeling stuck and unmotivated. But my suffering was actually the key to overcoming it...
When I was younger and just starting out, traditional self-help books often helped me get back on track… But honestly, as I've gotten older, I've found them less and less useful.
The majority of personal development books use surface-level strategies to deal with deep problems. This fails to address the root cause of many issues. Personal development is NOT about productivity hacks, morning routines, or even positive thinking... 

REAL personal development is about confronting the aspects of yourself that you find unacceptable and integrating them into your identity in a constructive way.
  • Before you can develop self-confidence, you must face the aspects of your personality that you usually try to hide from others.
  • Before you can heal your relationships, you must recognize your own unhealed emotional wounds.
  • ​Before you can create wealth, you must contend with the part of yourself that resents rich people.
Before you can genuinely accept ALL parts of yourself, you must get to know those dark and unconscious parts intimately—especially the parts you don't want to admit to. This process is called 'Shadow Integration' and it's how genuine, lasting change actually happens.  

An Immersive Experience

Reserve your spot in the 10-Week Coaching Program for a personalized journey to help you integrate your shadow so you can uncover, identify, and integrate the dark elements of your being and harvest more of your true potential.

Weekly Interactive Classes

Join us every week for a new class hosted by Ruben and designed to help you integrate your shadow

Daily Personal Support 

Inside the private community, you'll get direct access to our team and other like-minded people for ongoing support and coaching

Lifetime Access To Classes

Never lose access to all recorded classes, the workbooks, resources, and even all 3 bonus courses

Multi-Disciplinary Process

Implement proprietary processes and methodologies based on years of rigorous research and testing

2 Personal Coaching Calls

To help you implement what you learn more effectively, you will have access to one-on-one calls with Ruben and his team

3 FREE Bonus Courses

Unlock 3 courses on us that perfectly compliment the weekly classes to help you grow faster

Personalized Coaching

Access personal coaching and expert guidance directly from Ruben on every single class

Step-By-Step Workbooks

Transform ideas into action with ease by utilizing simple and interactive workbooks for every phase of your development

Weekly Growth Challenges

Stay engaged with new, deep, and exciting challenges to keep you moving forward and growing strong

About Your Coach

Ruben Chavez

I started Think Grow Prosper in 2014 during a period when I felt my life was falling apart. I began making simple Instagram posts whose sole purpose was to help give me perspective and enable me to move forward. 

Soon, Think Grow Prosper attracted a worldwide audience of millions who wanted to realize their personal power, build healthy relationships, deal with challenges, improve their mindset, and find meaning. 

Over time, however, my motivations and purpose for creating content changed and I began to embark on a new journey that would lead me to rebuilding my knowledge structure from scratch (like any good Enneagram 5 😜).

Over the next several years, I made it my (full-time, unpaid) job to educate myself more thoroughly about politics, psychology, philosophy, and any other subject that I thought might help me put together the pieces of the very large, very complicated puzzle we call reality.

It was a disorienting and chaotic period but also one of great discovery and growth. I examined and overturned many of my long-held beliefs and acquired new lenses through which to make sense of the world.

When my son was born in early 2019, my learning became even more focused and intense. Like an AI researcher, it dawned on me that I would be responsible for writing the first draft of a moral code that another agent would use to navigate the world. 

My knowledge was no longer theoretical, it was practical. I needed to get clarity on the most important questions of all: 

How do we live a good life? How can we even be sure what a good life is? On what solid foundation can we ground these answers?

Fortunately for humankind, I wasn’t the first person to consider these questions. Many brilliant minds had thoroughly addressed them over the course of the last 2,500 years or so. The problem was that many of the answers seemed to conflict with one another. 

So I became obsessed with understanding conflicting values and how we might integrate them to create rich, harmonious lives, both individually and collectively.

As far as I can tell from my research, the best way to do this is to adopt an overarching life philosophy that accounts for the complexity and contradictions of the human condition. Such a philosophy must allow us to express our full range of values & needs in constructive ways.

This, in a nutshell, is what I’ve come to refer to as harmony and it’s the central idea around which much of my work now revolves and is the reason for why I put together this Immersive 10-Week Shadow Integration Coaching Program – to help you experience more harmony in your life through careful and guided exploration and integration of your shadow self.

Click the button below to unlock access to my complete Shadow Integration Framework, delivered weekly with live classes and backed by ongoing guidance, coaching, and support to ensure you follow through on becoming a more whole and elevated individual.
A New Way To Overcome Self-Sabotage For Good
Together, we can uncover and conquer the parts of yourself that you’ve ignored or avoided for too long, that have become monsters wreaking havoc in the deep recesses of your mind. Unlock access to both the map and the guided support to help you carefully explore the darker elements of yourself and integrate them into your being.
Develop Courage
Build the right mindset and skills to consistently confront and overcome what you fear and practice more positive behavior with our support
Discover Yourself
Unlock deep levels of self awareness and get to know all parts of yourself more intimately (and understand those around you more effectively)  
Connect Deeply
Break free from the dark elements of your psyche that prevent you from accepting yourself and start connecting more with those you love

What This Program Involves:

Begins Wed. August 31st 2022 @ 6pm EST

  • 10 Weekly Interactive Classes with Coaching and Q&A
  • Workbooks, resources, and tools available every week
  • Private community for ongoing support (open now)
  • ​Access to private coaching with Ruben and his team
  • ​Course library with 3 pre-loaded video courses 
  • ​Weekly challenges to promote accelerated growth
  • ​Lifetime access to all classes, resources, and courses
Live Coaching Program - Limited Spots Available

The Shadow Integration Framework

Week One:

Answering the Call to Adventure

You’ll get clear about the exact problem you are facing. You’ll also learn about the nature and origin of problems themselves, as well as the universal pattern of behavior that humans have discovered for dealing with the category of problems as a whole.
Week Two:

Understanding the Shadow

You’ll learn what the shadow is, how it functions, and how it affects your life—both negatively and positively. You’ll learn the fundamental principle for dealing with your shadow and how to tap into the archetypal mode of being so you can identify solutions to your most stubborn issues.
Week One:

Answering the Call to Adventure

You’ll get clear about the exact problem you are facing. You’ll also learn about the nature and origin of problems themselves, as well as the universal pattern of behavior that humans have discovered for dealing with the category of problems as a whole.
Week Two:

Understanding the Shadow

You’ll learn what the shadow is, how it functions, and how it affects your life—both negatively and positively. You’ll learn the fundamental principle for dealing with your shadow and how to tap into the archetypal mode of being so you can identify solutions to your most stubborn issues.

Week Three:

Overcoming Self-Sabotage

You’ll learn why you block your own success and how to stop doing it. You’ll learn the connection between your highest values and your puzzling behavior. We’ll get to the bottom of what’s really driving your self-defeating patterns and so you can take control of it.
Week Four:

Walking With Fear

We’ll discuss the many ways fear manifests in our lives. You’ll get clear on what you fear and what you’ve been avoiding because of it. You’ll learn the one fear that underlies virtually every other fear and how to deal with it. I’ll show you how to “worry” in a constructive way and break down your problem into bite-sized pieces.
Week Seven:

Dealing With Unpleasant Thoughts & Emotions (Part 2)

You will continue to learn and develop the skills necessary for healthy emotional processing. There’s a lot to cover here, so this module is divided into two parts to make it easier for you to retain the necessary information and implement what you learn more effectively.
Week Eight:

Owning Your Negative & Positive Qualities

This module will help you recover the disowned parts of yourself to increase your power and self-awareness. It will also help you cultivate genuine self-acceptance based on a deep understanding of both your positive and negative aspects. You’ll learn what the things you admire and despise about others can teach you about yourself and how to transmute your negative traits into positive ones. 
Plus, On Every Live Class You'll Get Direct Access To Ruben For Personalized Coaching & Support With Easy-To-Follow Action Plans To Help You Implement What You Learn More Effectively
 Every Weekly Class You'll Get Direct Access To Ruben For Personalized Coaching & Support With Easy-To-Follow Action Plans To
Help You Implement What You Learn More Effectively

Go From Suppression To Full Expression

In this Immersive 'Integrate & Thrive' 10-Week Coaching Program, you’ll engage in a personalized experience for walking with your shadow so you can uncover, explore, and unite the unconscious elements of your personality and cultivate more of your true potential.

Frequently Asked Questions


Transformation Through Integration

In this Immersive 'Integrate & Thrive' 10-Week Coaching Program, you’ll engage in a personalized experience for walking with your shadow so you can uncover, explore, and unite the unconscious elements of your personality and cultivate more of your true potential.
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